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Cast Your Ballot

Atlas Network has selected ten ambitious, high-achieving pro-liberty organizations from around the world to join an exclusive class we call our Smart Bets. We’re offering each of these teams a chance to compete for a $50,000 prize in support of their crucial work—and you get to pick your favorites and help them cross the finish line.

Our Smart Bets all receive additional grant support, access to training and mentorship programs, and special speaking roles at our annual Liberty Forum & Freedom Dinner conference. These resources help them take their effectiveness to the next level as they aim to achieve more than ever before for free markets and individual rights.

Select the three 2025 Smart Bets organizations who you think should compete for the grand prize:

“Boosting Brussels” initiative to coordinate 15 research projects across Europe to advance pro-freedom EU policy reform.

Advocating for Economic Freedom Law and digital ZIP codes in Brazil.

Promoting economic freedom in Puerto Rico to counter population decline.

Evaluating and ranking entrepreneurship in Ghana’s 16 regions with policy recommendations.

Advocating for shared mobility legal reforms in India.

Advocating for liberal reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Inspiring the next generation of Canadian civic and political leaders.

Creating engaging content for younger audiences on free markets and democracy.

UPI strategy (understand, prepare, influence) to promote the empirical benefits of freedom and ensure elected leaders advocate for these ideas.

Strategic initiative to expand FEE’s digital offerings for a wider audience.

Projects selected: 0 Pick Three to Submit!

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